Case Study

Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi 2019

Situated in the capital of United Arab Emirates, The Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi offers travelers a friendly and modern place to stay. Being a short journey from popular attractions like the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Mushrif Mall, Zayed Sports City and Abu Dhabi International Airport; the hotel appeals to a range of travelers from business travel to holiday seekers. The partnership between Infrasys and Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi has paved the way for the hotel to enhance their point-of-sale (POS) system to be compliant with the changing government requirements and advance overall POS capabilities. See the full results that Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi yielded with Infrasys below.

Holiday Inn at sunset hours

The POS challenge arose in 2018, when the United Arab Emirates government imposed a new regulation mandating the use of Arabic printing on guest checks, a functionality that their existing POS did not support. Whilst assessing their existing POS, Amila Udana, former Technology Manager at the Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi, noticed that more than languages functionalities were limited with their POS system. The Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi needed not only a quick turnaround to comply with their new government requirements, but also a POS that offers more functionalities, advance reports, reduction in billing errors and overall greater operational stability. Find out how Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi found a fitting solution and see the results that came to follow.